
[M]Welcome to the freak show

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-30-2017, 05:11 PM
The bird's squawking earned it no more than the twitch of his lip and reveal of a blood stained canine.  If it wanted to make it out of the boat alive it would shut the hell up before he got a head ache that none of them would want to deal with. It would be just the start of his violent rage, the start of a snap. His huge form shifted just barely, body now shielding his delicate underbelly and his male components. Her response brought a near smirk, a twitch of his lips at her defiant way. She would need to learn quick to stay alive near him. Head tilted to adjust and shield his jugular easily. Defenses he had learned to set young falling into place casually. So it seemed the bitch spoke the royal tongue, but that wasn't what intrigued him. It was the way she claimed to own the boat, the way she openly defied him, and the way she spoke of equivalent exchange. A snort was given to her as he lifted himself to sit at a now higher level than her. He was the king of demons and as an Asmodeus he would not be outdone.

Lips of charcoal stayed in a taut serious line. His voice came once more to her, this time a deadly calm that was completely serious. His paw pulled the form of the carcass closer to his gut. He was not giving in easily and not without an equivalent exchange greater than eating his meal upon a scrap heap. "Sunt hic Agnus sine finibus convertimini, et hoc magis cogitare aliquid aequivalens pro hac." His tongue darted out yet again, this time running along his left lip, cleaning blood in its wake to reveal the white beneath. There was a challenge for her that he set. He saw this as playing the most dangerous game. He was a king when it came to these games. The thought of her beneath him whether willing or not was a great temptation but he would see what he could get from her his way.

It did come to his mind that she may not understand equivalent exchange. Perhaps he should teach her of his customs. Yes he had at one point learned this lesson himself. His father had never been a forgiving man, to get anything he had to give something, and to steal something meant to have the price ripped from your pelt. Vocals rose with his explanation, a steely calm gaze settled upon her. "
Lacessere non est pecudis communicabo, at pretium. An equivalent commutatio inter valores aequales. Hoc cibo aliti sunt sacco efficit biduum hic si non habeant, quaeris die cibum dare mihi."
He gave a pause for that to sink in. A day of food could mean life or death to someone as big as him. He was nearly 220 lbs at this point, it was all muscle so it was common knowledge that to feed something as big as him meant a lot of food was needed. He continued then hopefully before she decided to give quite the bit of lip to him. "
Melior Quid ergo? Si pudicitia? Forte libertatibus? Quod si forte tibi plus etiam mihi prodest. Quanti hoc sociis, fortasse unum?"
He would let her choose, he could be a patient man. though how she took her options was on her. She might even offer her own option but he didn't value sitting on a boat without her attacking him so that one wouldn't work for her. He had nothing to fear from her or any other because when his death came it would come. He was ready to lift his paw though should her choice be acceptable. Sharing would be no problem but he was not about to do so without getting something satisfying in return.

Sunt hic Agnus sine finibus convertimini, et hoc magis cogitare aliquid aequivalens pro hac.= There are no borders here lambchop, try again, and this time think of something more equivalent for this exchange.

Lacessere non est pecudis communicabo, at pretium. An equivalent commutatio inter valores aequales. Hoc cibo aliti sunt sacco efficit biduum hic si non habeant, quaeris die cibum dare mihi.= It is no tease lamb, I shall share, but at a price. An equivalent exchange, one of equal values. This meat bag here keeps me fed for two days if i don't share it, you ask for me to give up a day of food.

Melior Quid ergo? Si pudicitia? Forte libertatibus? Quod si forte tibi plus etiam mihi prodest. Quanti hoc sociis, fortasse unum?= So what do you value then? Perhaps your purity? Perhaps your freedoms? Maybe something of even greater value to me is of value to you. I value partners in this world, perhaps you should become one?
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.