
The fixer


01-30-2017, 10:14 PM

Minutes continued to tick by and even though he was being incredibly patient he was beginning to think it might be more worth his time to move on to another pack or perhaps move around the edge of the border for this one. However, before he could act on either of those thoughts, a red-headed woman came into view. She seemed to be searching for something, but he couldn't quite tell what. He watched her quietly, his ruby gaze lingering on her and following her movements. Her scent reached him and his ears perked a bit when he caught the heavy scent of herbs mingling with her own. For once it seemed like maybe his luck was working in his favor.

Finally she noticed him and he watched her hesitate. Rightfully so really, with him being quite a bit larger than herself and being a stranger loitering at her pack's borders. He didn't shift as she began to walk toward him. Only when she drew closer did he rise to his paws and step out from the shadows of the trees. He let her keep her distance from him though. No need to frighten her and risk having her call for help or something of the sort. "Perhaps you can," he replied to her question. His expression was as stoic as ever, but his gaze held a small glimmer of hopeful curiosity. "I've been looking for a healer that might be able to answer a question or two for me. Do you think you could do that for me?"

"Talk" "You" Think