



06-24-2013, 07:43 AM


Orica came round like a shot. She was so excited! Real healing lessons! From a real healer! Oh, of course learning from her Uncle Rogue had been wonderful! And she still remembered alot of what he'd told her - but this was so cool! Her daddy had told her how he'd brought an expert healer all the way from Valhalla, and best of all! She was family!

Snow flew out from behind the pup's paws as she raced down to the spot where the lessons were going to be held. Already she could see some of the others had gathered - there was her cousin Tiber, and Miss Midnight, who Cross had said was very nice. But past the students sat the teacher with her bundles of leaves and stems all arrayed before her. She was such a pretty wolf, and she looked nice, if, maybe a little cold.

Orica burst right up, skidding so fast she almost sprayed snow on the herbs. "I'm Orica!" she gasped, her tail thrumming. "And Daddy told me! You're our Aunt Soleil!" She whipped round on Tiber, her big baby blues dancing. "She's our Auntie alla way from Valla-halla!" They already ready had so much family here, in Orica's opinion, the more the merrier!

Spinning round to gaze up at her new Aunt again, Orica flopped her little hind quarters into a drift of snow. "I'd like to be a medic too pwease! Our Uncle Rogue already teached me some herbs, but I'd like to know more!" She wriggled as she sat, unable to contain all this excitement.
