
This world so cold



06-24-2013, 07:58 AM


Paws springing in the pine-needle dotted snow, a little black and white pup was making her way along the worn down game trails. Every often she'd sneak off to the side and start digging where she thought she smelled a warm pocket. One never knew the interesting herbs and plants that could be found even in the middle of winter. There were places in Glaciem - much like this one - where the roots of the mountains made valleys, and the trees grew so tall and strong that much of the wind and cold was blocked out. Holly bushes grew thickly here, but Orica knew those to be poisonous - especially to small wolves like herself. She kept away from those and searched for other signs of life. So far, however, the best she'd come up with were juniper berries.

But! The day was still young, and there was still lots out there to explore.

As she skipped along, a little half-hummed melody began to take shape in her head and was soon sent out into the chilly air.


I wish I were a bumbly-bee

So cute, and fat, and stripedy

To dance on flower petals bright

all day long, in the summ-er light

uh-huh hmmm hmmm hmmm hee dee de

da do da do da leedddle leedle de

dah dah dum dummy dum da do doo do

Better move quick or I'll sting you!"

Orica popped out of a break in the bushes, juniper greens still clinging to her fur. That was when she saw the other wolf - a yearling, with a rather sad look to her. But Orica cocked her head, trying to figure out who she was - most of the small wolves around here were her siblings or cousins. Oh! She remembered now! "You're Ithy-something-something aren't you?!" She beamed. "Daddy brought you back to join the pack. Do you remember me? I'm Orica!"
