

Erebos I


6 Years
02-01-2017, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2017, 07:35 PM by Erebos I.)

He didn't like to wander too far away from the white forest that he had started to come home, but in a moment of sanity it felt like the right thing to do. Maybe if he got away from there he would be able to cling to his stable mind, but of course the voiced caught up with him. Liliya ran at his side as he raced through the snow, kicking up a flurry behind his splotched hind legs. Erebos knew that he couldn't outrun them, but it was the feeling of freedom for the moment. He couldn't hear them, and the cold took away any sensation of the ghost at his side. Feeling like a mental break down was hot on his heels, he pushed onward. He couldn't believe that he had kept that poor girl, the guilt had been heating him up on the inside since he realized what he had done. But once again, he couldn't run away from it all.

Not caring if his legs broke off, he pushed his body to the limits as the gentle caress of Liliya reached him. The first whispers of voices touched his mind and he pushed on. His tongue was hanging from his maw as his lungs screamed for a break, but he was relentless. It wasn't until he reached the ridge and tripped over a bundle of something that he lost himself completely.

Crashing into a pile of snow after getting quite a bit of air, everything went black for a moment. He slid along the ground until he came to a halt, laying still for a few heartbeats. Groaning, the gray and white man picked himself up and flipped around to see what had happened. He spotted the woman laying on the crest of the hill, a growl leaving him as he shook himself. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" he spat, a burning rage shimmering in his blue and pink eyes.

'Look at that scarred piece of shit, looks like she's had more than one wolf trip over her before.' Eunike chuckled, making Ere's ears lay flat against his skull. Aletha and Lili joined in with their own laughter, making the wolf growl again. He didn't want them here, not now. He wanted to know why the hell someone thought it was a good idea to just lay at the top of a hill. Did she want someone to trip over her? His lips flipped upwards as he snarled at her, his legs set apart. They shook slightly, overused to the point of near exhaustion. If this was going to come to a fight, he needed to make it fast.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'
Art by Sigath

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.