
Lost Without You



7 Years

02-05-2017, 09:31 PM
Lillianna was all too used to feeling conflicted, uncertain, and torn - but never in a manner such as this. True, she'd been through emotional turmoil before, but this was somehow... different. Different emotions, different scenario, different wolf. She'd gone through it when her adoptive parents passed away, though that was mostly conflict on what to go, where to go from there. She knew they were dying; they made no attempt to hide it from her, and while it grieved her, she had made her piece with it long before they made their final goodbyes. She'd gone through the turmoil when Finch had nearly died, freaking out and then not knowing what to do after that. She'd gone though it again with Starling, and him leaving repeatedly, time and time again... and each of those were different, each of those were grief.

This was the first time she'd ever been so uncertain in a... positive manner. She was excited, joyful, yet there was still a little bit of thrill and a little bit of terror, but the ultimate reaction left her uncertain what to do, and an electricity in her body that she recognized as a more muted version of what she felt with him while she was in heat. But it was something... more than that, too. While she recognized the physical desire, she realized in that moment that it wasn't just that desire, but just a desire for his presence period.

Him freezing underneath her touch and her words was something that was anticipated; she gathered it would happen, because it was something they both did. Still, his accompanying words were reassuring, and she sighed quietly - at least, before his own movement made her breath catch and she froze under him as his muzzle gently tipped hers up. She froze, because of the absolutely vulnerable position it put her in; her neck exposed, his jaws a breath away from the most tender spot on her body, where it is literally the easiest to kill. It made her heart thump hard in her chest, and it only took a moment for her to realize that was from excitement, not fear. No, she wasn't afraid at all; she trusted him completely. A light brightening in her eye, she tilted her head even more and slightly to the side; an almost completely instinctual gesture as she exposed even more of her throat to him, something that unmistakably told him that she trusted him without a doubt.