
Stuck In Your Head



8 Years
02-05-2017, 07:01 PM
So don't stress, don't cry,
We don't need no wings to fly!
She found him, it was all she could think about. Happiness flooded her heart and soul and she rejoiced internally. No one else had wanted to go, a fact that Stardust was not understanding of. How could they just let him wander off without any friends to back him up? Star took it upon herself to catch up to him and keep Frostbite from dying. Her services hadn't been needed though, and she was always a day behind. As he spoke, Star smiled and waved her pale flag behind her.

"I was a full day behind you, and wasn't sure of your pace. I caught up, and managed to learn a thing or two about the herbs along the way." When he spoke of learning other packs and wanting to settle in the south, Star felt her head nodding and she danced on her paws. "In the mean time, you could come stay with me? I found a new friend, her name is Faite, and I helped her start her pack. It's called Lirim and is settled in the west. I believe you will get along with everyone...even this mangy thing called Ritsy. Just...don't touch him, I am not sure if it is contagious or if it is something he inherited. I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet. It would give you shelter while you get our home in order!" She spoke without breathing it seemed, and her words came quickly. It was hard to know what she was yammering on about sometimes, but anyone who had grown up with her would know.

Hopefully, he would accept her offer. If not, that would be alright with her as well, though she would be a bit depressed. Her heart had always beat a little faster with him around, but she was far too shy to ever announce something like that. Instead, she passed it off as a genuine enjoyment of his company. Finding him after months and months of travel had been a joy, but to have him stay with her? She would die from joy, if such things were possible.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!