
Get Out Of My Head



7 Years

02-05-2017, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2017, 11:16 PM by Lillianna.)
She was going to go batshit insane. She knew it, she just knew it. She was in heat, again and had been for some time, and it did not help being around the number one object of her desires. And on top of that, part of her mind was still in absolute denial of her emotions, so she tried her best not to think about it. Or what they did in the past (albeit once). Or what she wanted them to do. Or what could happen if she actually stopped fighting herself and them.

...As you can see, she generally failed. It was one of the few times that she wasn't really by his side; she wasn't sure how long it'd last, since they usually always found one another again. Sometimes they talked, sometimes they just enjoyed each others company. Sometimes she force snuggles from him, although that was a lot less since the... heat really started kicking in. She really only tried sneaking cuddles if they'd been wandering and were too far away (or too lazy) to make it back to their respective dens and just passed out in the open. That usually worked well no matter what, because even though it sent heat pooling in her stomach - what didn't, these days? - she was generally too tired to give a damn and fell asleep, decently content.

Right now, though - right now she was the absolute opposite of content. It was like someone turned her desire and heat on extra high and it was only the morning. The morning! She woke up and it was already within her, and she had to try to escape as quickly as possible, to try and cool down, so she'd slipped away from her companion, as quietly as she could (she wasn't sure if he had still been sleeping, she was a bit distracted), and headed for the nearest stream, which was actually only just out of sight. She stuck her paws in the water, and then part of her face, but even the ice-cold water did almost nothing, and she sighed in aggravation and frustration. She didn't know what to do - she knew who, but not... what.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.