
Children of the Gods



4 Years
02-05-2017, 10:10 PM
It was clear that in a way he was still a pup, because he'd pull back confused, then flopped down with a huff. She couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared on her face, or the soft chuckle that emerged at the same time. He was tiny, too, surprisingly so, but she knew that all wolves - even those blessed by the gods - stopped growing at around the age of a year, shortly before sexual maturation. So, this was as tall as the young boy would get. Easily shorter than her, and she was by no means a tall wolf, though she was pretty average on the scale. It mattered not to her, just a simple curiosity; the gods cared naught for the size of the body, but rather for the size of the spirit, and the energy within.

When he began speaking, it also became apparent that he was far from skilled in the department of the common tongue. So it was foreign to both of them, and to her, it was another sign. The language he was fluent in - that strangely musical tongue - was not hers, but it was still another sign. Another shared thing between the two of them. His words, though, did make her pause. Though not correctly said, it was easy to understand what he meant. He believed she was his mother, born of her. She didn't answer right away, instead watching as he poked at one of the many sparks that would occasionally lift from her fur, though no true heat came from them. Only the glow, which she could not and would not if she had the choice, turn off.

It made him smile, and she smiled in return as she finally answered his... surprisingly tricky question. "Yes - and no. You do not come from my womb, but you are a child of the gods, and they have blessed me with you." And she clearly had been chosen to take this child in as her own, to teach him their ways. "But it matters not if you come from my womb, for the gods have spoken - and you are mine." To her, it made perfect sense. If she was not meant to take this role, this challenge, then they would have brought to her an older wolf, one with wisdom already and would be her brother in fire. But they had given her a child, and to her that meant that he was supposed to be her child of fire, and that he would be.

"Speech" "You" Think

art by fox