
fire in his eyes



10 Years
02-07-2017, 01:57 PM
Through her continued efforts, she still missed the bastards face. She was hell bent on scarring him for trying to hurt her, but little did she know that she herself would become scarred in more than one form. Her lunge had missed, the male disappearing from her sight in a matter of seconds. Before she could even come to a skidding halt, she heard the most demonic sound before she suddenly felt intense pressure at her throat. If she hadn't stopped in her tracks seconds before, she was definitely stopped now.

Her front paws began to lift off the ground from the force of his attack and weight, the woman staggering in surprise and pain, hind legs nearly buckling beneath her as she struggled to keep herself up. She gasped for air, his jaws tightening around her throat and making her struggles work against her. Before she knew it, she was on her back. She desperately tried to kick and scratch his underside, strangled whines barely slipping past her lips as she tried to fight against him. She felt a mixture of fear, hatred, pain, desperation...she was going to die today, wasn't she? He was going to strangle her...he was going to drag her into the abyss that she had been so far from. And she was powerless. For once in her life, she had picked the wrong fight. He was too big, too heavy, his thirst for blood overpowering. She waited for her world to go black and still.

But then he did something else. The realization took several moments to set in, but when she felt him begin to straddle her, she tried to kick more. This could not happen to her! Not this way! Was this what he had wanted? Or was he just trying to scare her? Eyes that began to glaze with the lack of oxygen widened suddenly when she felt him. Her body grew still as she struggled to breathe. He wasn't just trying to scare her...he was trying to ruin her..and succeeding.

It was at this moment, she truly wished she was dead.

-fade to black-


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