
Autumn Delights {Talis Hunt}



8 Years
02-07-2017, 03:59 PM
The pack had been quiet, Oracle had noticed. Wolves within Talis had fallen almost near silent during summer, and now that fall was here she hardly saw any change. Oracle rose from her den that fine spring morn with a light shining in her eyes. A sense of determination as she glanced around at the plains she had decided to settle in. Some preferred the castle… but the femme rather liked the openness of this place. Especially at night when the stars shown above like a million fireflies in the sky.

The femme took a small breath, her golden gaze shifting towards the direction of the castle’s grounds with a thoughtful look in her gaze. If she attempted to call the pack together, despite not being a high rank, would they come? Oracle mused this thought for a long moment, trying to make the best decision for the moment. She felt fairly certain that her nephew and sister might appreciate the gesture if nothing else…

But what could they hunt? She supposed that would all depend on the turnout that they got when the others arrived…

“You’ve been standin’ there a fairly long time, lass. Are you going to make a move or what?” Bubo’s voice cut into the female’s thoughts, and slowly Oracle lifted her gaze to the snowy owl sitting in the tree just outside of her den. She smiled, knowing the creature could be grumpy but, at the same time, warm hearted. “You know me, Bubo. Everything in due time, friend.”

The female turned her gaze back over the plains, flexing her muscles before starting to pad forward. As she expected Bubo took to the air behind her, calling out as if to tempt her to make a faster decision. “…and when will due time be, Oracle? When we’re all gray?” He winged down closer to her, eyeing the female curiously.

Oracle decided against saying anything further until she had traveled a good distance from where she denned. It was then that she tilted her head skyward, calling for the other wolves of Talis to join her. The howl had more than just a requesting edge to it, though certainly not the commanding air an alpha might hold. Well, if Dragon or Avalon showed up she was sure they could reinforce the call… and then if others didn’t show up there would be consequences.

Bubo landed on the ground near Oracle as she settled down on her haunches to wait. His own bright gaze fixed upon his wolfen companion. Sometimes it was hard to imagine the pair worked as a team… but they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ooc:: You have until February 15th before I post again. :3 Please try to attend~