
Spring Greetings



7 Years
02-07-2017, 04:21 PM

Carletta was quiet, gaze intent and focused on Leo the whole while he spoke. There were so many things he said, things she didn’t fully pick up and grasp… but she caught on to some of the more important bits. She was glad that the bear that killed Bright Moon and Quelt was gone, though still it troubled the femme that a predator of that size had dared enter a wolf pack. Had it been crazed? Starving? The Spanish woman let out another little sigh, gaze turning towards the little ones. They were the children of Bright Moon and Quelt, right? Little ones without a mama…

She focused her attention back to Leo, smiling some as he welcomed Amarant, a man whom she had not seen before but was glad was within their home. Another friendly face… Now if only her sister had been one of those who had come to Fiori to join. Though Carletta also understood that Amaia still had a wandering heart. It wasn’t as easy for her to settle down as it had been for Car. But… The tri-colored femme felt as though she were missing something. Something important. There was also talk of higher ranks, those who helped lead the pack. When her name was brought up though the femme knitted her brow in confusion.

A... Dutchess? She understood that high ranks in a pack were important, but she didn’t fully get what the rank itself meant. Or most of the ranks for that matter. They needed someone for the Dutchess rank but… why her? Carletta flicked her ears back with uncertainty, glancing around at the other members of the pack. Leo was asking her specifically… she didn’t want to say no… but she was scared of letting the other wolves in the pack down. She was going to have to step up her game and really try… wasn’t she?

“I… I try…” The female said in her broken English, managing a small smile. If Leo believed she could do this then surely she could, right? Car shifted slightly, waiting to see if anyone else was going to speak up.

"Talk" "You" Think

Carletta's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.