
See you later



10 Years
02-07-2017, 11:23 PM
Today had been a bit warmer than usual, enough to cause the snow to begin melting just a bit, working with the occasional rain to leave a wet, slushy ground. Just below that was the mud. Caelum's paws were making slurping sputtering sounds every time she pulled one out from where it had sunk into the slimy earth. So much for being mostly ivory in color. Cae grimaced at the sight of her discolored pelt, deciding that her first order of business today would be to find somewhere to clean up the mess that was herself.

When she saw a bunch of willow trees, saying in the slight breeze ahead of her Cae grew excited. It would be so, so nice to have somewhere nice to relax for a while. Maybe the ground would be less mucky there too. Could things be looking up this fine morning?

She was pleased to find the terrain much easier to traverse in this area. Whether it was that this particular section of land had gotten less rain lately, or maybe a lack of snow prior to the recent rain, it was nice to finally walk without having to pull extra hard to get her paws back up from the ground with every step. Coming on a winding creek that was surrounded by curling, knotted roots, she soon found herself standing in the cool water hoping to wash off her terribly muddy paws for the first time in a few days.

It was lovely to simply stay here and relax, focusing on nothing but the sound of the moving water and the wind whistling through the willow trees. Recent events had left her head spinning so bad and with so few breaks that she'd almost begun to feel ill. Now she could stand here - with no surprise visits from Zephyr or anyone else - and just be. She hoped she'd soon be able to get back to feeling better.