
I Walk Alone...



06-24-2013, 12:22 PM
ooc: Posting order in place. xD Squall, Loccian, Pontifex, Augustus

She managed to get his flesh between her teeth, lucky. The moment she felt it the shewolf gave a pull as hard as she could and once the male had jumped back she released her grip and moved to her brother quickly. Her tail was up and lashing behind her, along with bristling along with the fur around her neck and back, lips pulling back to reveal her fangs as the male turned and snarled. He seemed to stop though when he saw who she was, only glaring at her and being an ass.

Loccian didn't appreciate his attitude. A growl rumbled in the back of her throat, grey orbs narrowing on him. Shut your foul mouth! She snapped, even if he broke his gaze she wouldn't. She wanted to know what was going on, why these two were wrestling in the snow like children. But then Pontifex was up, placing himself in front of her, warning the brute to stay away from her. It was annoying, these attitudes would just cause another fight to break out and she didn't want that. She could already see they gave each other a few cuts, and she didn't want them to turn into serious wounds.

Taking a step to the side the woman raised her head, about to speak but another voice spoke up that was way different from her brother and this stranger. It was higher, shaky with age. And after a moment she realized who it was that was speaking. Augustus! She barked, ears laying flat against her head, grey orbs falling upon the male nearby. Quickly she moved out from behind her brother, running to put herself between Augustus and the other brute. She turned her body, stiff, head turned to him and tail still lashing behind her with fangs shown.

Hot headed annoyances? I just prevented you two from ripping each other up! If anything you two are hot heads. She growled. Upon seeing his reaction to the arrival of Augustus she immediately grew aggressive. How dare he act in such a manner towards a child with two others just feet away! And his comment, blaming Pontifex for the fight. That was it.

Loccian moved, paws carrying her forward. Her fur was still bristling, lips pulled back, tail lashing behind her. The male had turned his head to lick where she had grabbed him, and so she came right up to him and so when his head came back up it his nose would be brushing right against hers. Eye to eye. Watch your mouth rogue, it would be best for you when in the presence of three pack wolves. Her lips rose in disgust as she ran her eyes down him, down to his toes then back to meet his gaze. Must feel like a big tough guy huh? Picking a fight, threatening someone who was trying to help, being hostile towards a child. And still, you blame my brother, saying he provoked this. From the looks of it you started this.

She didn't care if he would push her or harm her in any way. This guy was name calling and threatening not only her brother, but Augustus. She didn't care about herself, but picking on her family, the moment he laid a single tooth or claw on her she would latch onto him.


Awesome table by Lu <3