
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2017, 05:15 PM

His eyes overlooked the entirety of his kingdom from where he sat atop the hunk of metal in it. This was his castle, his trap, and Vianni once he taught her how to hold the Asmodeus name, would be the queen of this castle. His mouth held no emotion, a deadpan to it. His ears pressed forward as his breath billowed from his nose in clouds of heat. His haunches were upon the cold iced over metal beneath him. He sat upon the very top of it, upon what used to be the steering room. He was facing the head of the ship, blood red eyes watching his vessel, noting every bird and movement made on it, even watching for Vianni to emerge and try to escape him. He would break her if he had to, she was his and no other's, and she would learn in time that defying him would have serious consequences. He would kill Corvus if she defied him enough, to teach her that she could not defy him and get away with it. His cheek and chest was already scabbing over from her love bites, but the wind made them sting. That sting made him feel, reminded him he was still alive and very much mortal, although he was still the demon king no matter what.

He knew Vianni lay somewhere inside the ship as she had claimed its hallways long ago, but now she was forced to share it with him. Their pact was what allowed this. He had since taken over the largest of the dens inside(captains chamber), after having forced his way inside by pushing the rusted door open more than it had been. The room was quite extravagant with a large cushioned bed, although parts of it were popping out, a thing he would rectify with pelts, those of deer, wolf and other large predators. He had also taken to staking his own sort of claim upon the ship, patrolling it regularly and even marking around it as if it were a border. It was his now and none would come here without his say so. It may not quite be a pack land yet but he was going to be taking it as one as soon as he had grouped a few wolves to defend it. He wanted demons and shamans mostly but others that held his values would be welcomed with open arms. So long as they understood he was top dog and that Vianni was his top bitch he cared not what they did so long as they did not bring a war down upon his home. He didn't need a war yet, though eventually he would eradicate all the packs that were worthless, take their leaders and force them into slavery. His ears flicked at the sound of a crow becoming scared and squawking as it took flight. He was already in love with this maze, it was cloaked in the scent of death, but hid it well in the shape of two demons upon it. He had already started memorizing the passages and all the entrances and escape routes. It wasn't like he needed them but they were nice to have should his pack ever need them. Though to force the beast to retreat and give up this home would mean he would have died and given the orders to Vianni that she should take every guard she could and flee.

Did he foresee a war over this place? No, but he was a strategist and in being one meant he should think of every possibility possible. ""

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.