
[M]Welcome to the freak show

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2017, 10:30 PM

His teeth met her neck and he gave a growl that could almost be mistaken as a purr if it weren't for the deep decibels that rumbled with his ferocity. His body also met hers, his weight pressing into her, though her legs had shifted so it was likely an uncomfortable position. Not that he really cared, she was exactly where he wanted her, beneath him. His eyes were narrowed upon hers from the corner of his eyes, nothing about him was gentle. Her attempts to make him stand were met with him staying put, he wouldn't allow her to try to muscle her way around him, that was his job not her's. Her submissive gestures though earned her the relief of him releasing her neck, tongue emerging in an attempt to swipe away the blood from her fur, as an added bonus he got a taste of her. Her words had him sitting up before standing and moving to be off her and allow her to stand. His eyes still burned with anger at her initial challenge to him, though with her submissive posturing there was a clear air to him that said he was pleased. He voiced himself then, stating how false her words were. None owned him, and none ever would. "Ibi erras Vianni carissime, fateor, sed nemo umquam mihi." He gave her a mere moment to digest that before he continued, proclaiming to her exactly what she was though. "Certi tamen potissimum locum tenes. Quoniam rex omnis indiget reginam, et quod omnino quid sit, nemo plus quam potentia, non erit mihi concedat. Appropinquaverunt uos in hoc mundo mihi sta mecum mansurum quamdiu heredes et vivetis. Non errat, quia etsi ad momentum omne amabo te, nihil animo numquam erit." He figured that much was going to be obvious with the way he treated her. She would be his number one bitch, with no other above her. She would be in charge of every female he allowed to be part of the pack, she would be his blue blood queen. She may need training in being such but he could handle it. Lucifer was no push over when it came to such.

Without another word to her he pressed his chest to her side, giving a rumbling growl. His tail lifted as high as it could above his hips, the tip curling forward as he intended to let her know who was boss right now. His eyes watched her face for a mere moment before he aimed a nip at the base of her tail, in his silent way of commanding that she move it aside, lest she want to lose the thing to him. He intended to show her now just how dominating and possessive he could be of what was rightfully his. He had won her so now she was his, every possessive fiber in him sang to make certain she knew just what she had gotten into. He then, whether or not she moved her tail, aimed to mount her, his fore legs aiming to grip onto her sides once more. His canines aimed to plant a sweet, yet searing kiss upon her scruff, a hold he would not be relinquishing. The beast of a male aimed to take his prize, willingly or not. She was his and no other could have her. He was not aiming to be gentle at all, in fact her punishment for trying to dominate him was to have it rough this time around. Should she behave then perhaps in the future he would be more gentle.

-fade in-

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.