
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream



4 Years
Extra large
02-09-2017, 02:55 PM

He was nothing but a large muscled ball of seething anger and hurt lately. Ray had disappointed him once again. He realized she'd probably left in search of her family once more, but even that couldn't assuage the feelings of betrayal that he felt. She'd promised that she wouldn't hurt him again and that he'd be allowed a place at her side wherever she needed to go, and yet she'd left him alone anyways. Again. Rather than feeling depressed that he was once again by himself, due to her own actions, he was merely angry. He'd come to the conclusion that this kept happening to him because he let it.

Then there was Ricky. He'd done his best to get her to stick around in his life on more than one occasion since they'd reunited and she'd disappointed him as well. His own sister couldn't even stick around - did he even want to try and find Arsenal and Caliber now? It was a thought that tossed and turned in his head. He wasn't so far gone that he wanted to be by himself eternally, but what if his brothers didn't want anything to do with him either? It was a possibility considering everyone else in his life had left him. His trust and faith in others had been seriously broken and he didn't know how to fix it.

So he'd taken up traveling. He couldn't bring himself to stay at Obsidian beach any longer, or anywhere near the place, so he decided a new home was in order. He wasn't ready for the challenges of a pack life yet either. So far the last two packs he'd been in hadn't exactly worked out in his favor. He wasn't entirely eager to see how it played out for a third time. His luck wasn't the greatest.

He wasn't entirely sure why he'd chosen to travel north. Perhaps because it was one of the few areas he hadn't really explored? He didn't care much for the idea of actually searching for his siblings anymore, but he supposed if he just happened to run in to any of them he wouldn't be completely opposed to the idea. He doubted it'd actually happen, but far weirder things had happened before.

It was icy and cold and the wind bit into his thin fur - he hadn't been prepared for the snow and chill. How could he when it was warm spring temperatures down south? No complaint would come from the large boy though as he padded through the snow. Eventually the ground became more slick under his steady paws and he could see a strange gray hulking metal thing in the distance. He recognized it easily as one of the human contraptions, a ship, though this one was larger than any he'd ever seen. His home pack had a few ruins left and stories were passed down through the years from his great grandfather, Vengeance, and on, but the word human meant very little to him. No picture would come to mind except for the rotting ruins they'd left behind and stories of their terribleness to leave him glad that he'd never have to meet one. Still, he could easily admit his curiosity for the giant metal ship and with nothing better to do he approached it.

He could smell recent scents left behind by mostly a male, a female scent too, but it was the male's that caught his attention. The area around the ship smelt like it had been marked, but he knew better than to recognize it as a pack scent. Had it been a pack he wouldn't have dared approach - but this was just some loner staking a home where he had no right to. As far as Mortar was concerned this was still loner lands and he wouldn't be deterred from exploring it.

He padded up to the entrance, peering inside the dimly lit hull, before delving inside. He was sure he wouldn't find much, not anything useful anyways, but with nothing better to do with his time he didn't see the harm. He passed through a doorway and then through a few dust covered barrels before stopping at one and peering inside. His fiery colored gaze rested upon a foul smelling liquid with green things floating at the top. What on earth were those things? A tongue snaked out to lap one up before he instantly withdrew and spat one out. As it turned out pickles didn't taste very good at all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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