
New to the bush


06-24-2013, 12:25 PM
Dark brown paws padded softly and curiously along the mangrove forest, stopping when ever a interesting scent captured the black leathery nose the paws belonged to. Lavender colored eyes were full of quiet curiosity of this strange new land as the earthy brown wolf explored, with not quite the cautiousness a older wolf would have presented. The wolf was a young female from her elegantly lean frame and softness of her face. Her fur resembled a porcupine with how disheveled and unkempt it stood out on her body but was obviously groomed to near obsessiveness from the healthy sheen and softness to it. Around the neck and chest area, the female's fur grew longer than the rest almost giving her a sort of mane and made her more imposing than a normal female would have been. The color of her fur resembled a coconut husk, in that rich brown color, and melted into a dark brown color on her legs, ears, belly, and tip of her tail.The natural expression she carried was calm, with a slightly sassy sparking in those lavender eyes. The slightly lighter brown fur around her eyes and cheeks only enhanced this expression and contradicted her imposing figure. She was a beautiful specimen in her own way but was not in the traditional way most females are.
Ramelia loved this new land she stumbled into, it was full of strange smells her keen nose had never experienced before. Every tree has a new scent that she had to stop and memorize before moving on to a new one. The feel of the ground, the air, the strange trees that grew here was almost overwhelming, but she loved it. Maybe i can make a home here. she mused as she walked along with her brown muzzle to the ground tracking a scent of a reptile of some sort. she picked up her pace till she saw a bright colored lizard in a tree looking down at her, wagging her tail at her find, she gave a small woof then continued on. A few moments later as the brown female pushed through a bush and the smells of a wolf pack captured her nose, causing her to freeze in place, her violet eyes darting around looking for any sign of other wolves. Seeing none, she relaxed slightly and raised her nose higher taking in the scents. At least 10 she thought as she shifted through each of the wolves scents curiously, before she started back back up through the bush she came. Suddenly the thud of paws sounded not far from her, making her jump and snap the dead branches under neath her, loud enough for the other being to hear. "oh crap" she muttered as she dropped her body to the ground, hoping her earthy fur would blend into the surrounding color of the forest.