
an almighty thud


02-09-2017, 04:25 PM
Okay so maybe it would have been polite to wait at the borders for someone to go get Faite, but family was family. Family was as it always would be, and Fortune figured she would be forgiven for the faux pas. They were cousins, good as sisters. Walked together, spent... time. Took time. Best friends, honestly. Comfort as it was, and Fortune loved it. There was nothing that could be done to argue with the fact that they'd been thick as thieves since the hunter returned to her ancestral home. It's been lovely.

"It's good to be... home." The woman beams back at the smaller female, tail wagging. She stretches, bows low, and then springs back up. There's something exciting, something hanging in the air around them. It's gorgeous. Everything is gorgeous, and she is happy. A strange feeling, of course. Strange and wonderful. All is well, of course. Strange and wild, Fortune's heart is full where she stands with Faite.

"How's the pack? How's the family? What have I missed?" Fortune is speaking quickly, the questions springing forth like a faucet running out of control. Mind a mile a minute, tail thrashing wildly. She is happy. She is so immensely, incredibly happy. Heart with wings, eyes shining, she has come home.

shock & awe