
This road is all you'll ever have



5 Years
02-09-2017, 08:09 PM

Vincenzo couldn't have imagined this would go as well as it was. His stomach tightened as she moved in closer, his heart hammering violently in his chest and his thoughts grew hazy. Sleeping around with strange women was probably not a good idea. However, it wasn't as if Vincenzo was with anyone and he hadn't been in ages, truth be told. He had also never subscribed to ideas of celibacy. There was one wound though that stung and burned painfully, that insisted he shrink away from her advances. Hadn't been a woman, a seductress, that had entranced Enrico with vile siren song and convinced him to turn on his brothers? A woman who dammed the whole of the Fratelli Rossi of which he and very few others were the only survivors? A woman had destroyed their entire legacy and he had no intention of falling in step with Enrico. And yet… well this wasn't home. There was no mafia here and he didn't really have anything to lose so why not take the chance? Sure a hitman of the Fratelli Rossi wouldn't have any troubble shaking her off and moving on when it was time to rekindle their ambititions… if they ever were. Honestly, with each passing day he doubted more and more that the Fratelli Rossi would actually be brought back into existence so why deny himself a little earthly pleasure? It wasn't as if he was hurting anyone… well, anyone that didn't want to be hurt.

He grinned at Mercy as she closed the distance between them, whispering that the appendages in question were called "ears" in the common tongue. Her teeth grazed his ear and a breathy groan slipped past his lips. He was shameless, letting things happen as they would. Vincenzo wondered how far she'd take this. "Ears," he repeated. She jumped back and Vincenzo's head tilted to the side, frustrated at the sudden distance between them but he kept his grin in place, quickly realizing that this was part of them game.

Vincenzo got languidly to his feet, purposely drawing out the motion before he started taking a few steps toward her. Ohhh….. what next, "Hmmmmm… I thinking…" He leaned forward for the left side of her neck, tongue snaking out from between his teeth as he sought to drag his tongue slowly from the space where her ear met her neck all the way down to her shoulder. "What you say this?" Whether she referenced his tongue, her neck or both didn't matter. There were plenty of 'lessons' to be taught in this little encounter.
