
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream



4 Years
02-10-2017, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2017, 01:09 AM by Vianni.)
She lay asleep within the room that would have been the galley, though Corvus seemed more interested in the behemoth she had taken to living with. Kohl rimmed ears twitched at the echoing sounds of lapping and lip smacking in the next room, and those dusky pink eyes snapped open in a heartbeat. She makes herself silent, making sure not to let her nails clack against the metal floor of the ship as she stood to investigate. Vianni had been here since shortly after arriving on this particular continent, and she had taken the time to know every den, chamber and tunnel within her territory. She had been staking the ship out for herself, but Lucifer had mentioned something about building a kingdom with her. It was something she hadn't been able to refuse. Smothering a growl at the distracting thoughts, Vianni shook her head and refocused on the sounds in the next room. The storeroom was open, with the smell of a male was wafting on the constant breeze that went through the cave like rooms of their home.

The scent was strange, and her first instinct was to lure him out and attack, but she was still too sore from her fight with Lucifer to take a wolf on. Knowing this, she stilled in place, unsure now of how to proceed. her black ears pinned back on her pale silver skull, and she waited for more sounds from the pantry. Vianni dared not go any closer, waiting to see if the wolf would come out or not. Backing up, her paws were silent. Instincts fired once more and told her to make distance between her and the room that housed the stranger. By trying to get away from the door, her hind end bumps against one of the many bolted down counters. Pots and pans clashed and clanged against one another as they fell, and Vianni bolted for the door that would lead her out and onto the deck of the ship that held the dens. Running straight for the biggest quarters, Vianni snarls aloud to express her displeasure at finding Lucifer absent from his chambers when she needed him close.

It was strange that she would feel the need to run to him, that she had thrown herself into his jaws the moment he had her submission. She halted in the captain's chamber door, wondering if the stranger had followed her. If she had been quick enough he would have been too distracted to see her, but the likelihood of that happening was almost as good as getting struck by lightning. Either way she backed into the room, ready to spring if she had to. The nerves came from the freshness of Lucifer's claim, her hormones surging and making her vulnerable. She was definitely not truly capable of defending herself should there be others, her muscles were on fire and shaking after a short run. Growling softly, she leaped onto the bed. In this moment she hated Lucifer for making her so weak that she had to depend on him, he had broken her body and turned it into something...mortal. Vianni was unsure of what to do should the male from the galley find her, but she was trapped now.

Her muscles shook as fatigue took them, though she attempted to pump herself up for a fight if it came to it. She wanted to hunt again, to be able to feast without having someone else bring it to her. On the outside she was a little banged up, but no worse for wear. Bruises littered her skin, and muscles were torn from having to support Lucifer's weight. Aggressive anxiety began to take root as she watched the door, unsure of Lucifer's proximity but praying he was close. She shouldn't have let him go so far in their fight, but she knew he would have gone as long as she did, if not longer. Things would have been worse for her, but she knew now that she could beat him. She went back and forth between calm and snarling, unsure of what to do and frustrated. She had never been this weak before, and had never felt this way. She had been the trapper, and now she found herself trapped in the den of the devil with a stranger possibly on her heels.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.