
Nashor's Tooth {Training}



7 Years

02-10-2017, 09:47 PM

The call went into the air, and Lillianna hesitated for a split second. Normally, she'd answer it, and without hesitation. Even if it wasn't training for her, she'd answer it... but, uh, she might have been enjoying herself a bit much. Even Lark procrastinated and groaned, and she grumbled and huffed with him, sending a single glare towards the direction of that call. But she knew, and okay, even though they both pulled away from each other, she couldn't help just a little more. So while they procrastinated, she placed teasing nips on his shoulder and neck, nestling her nose into his fur as well, and leaning against him. Okay, while it was comforting, it also did nothing but increase the flame inside of her, and when they actually, fully tumbled apart, she cringed at the sound of the angry alpha.

Uh-oh. They had to go. Lark moved to leave, but she intercepted him only briefly, insisting that she'd go to - it was her fault too, anyway. Even if the idea of approaching Bass with their scents tangled and her obviously in heat, in front of the rest of the pack, was not something she wanted to do. And mortified her. She knew exactly what the pack would think about it, since they had noses, and while they'd not be far off... she still didn't want them to know.And uh, they were showing up late. And she felt bad. Because the pack would know why they'd showed up late.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't entirely her fault... but she still felt pretty damned bad. Even if a bit of her was pissed at the god-awful timing of this training. The hormones were surging through her body, and she wanted, as much as her partner did - wait what? The thought paused for a second, the rational part that wasn't still dazed from the... ahem, distractions, that had been taking place not that long ago. Partner? Without giving it much more thought, Lillianna purposefully dismissed the thought - it was accurate.She didn't need to dwell on the emotional impacts of that word, yet. She also dismissed the place where she was heading, even though the scents of many of the pack grew stronger in her nose.

Of course, it was hard to ignore it when she spotted the wolves, and she stared doggedly ahead, her ears fluttering with withheld embarrassment as she trailed after Lark. She froze briefly when she spotted Sparrow, but simply continued on, ignoring the girl. She gave a faintly embarrassed and guilty grin to Finch; she was certain that Finch had already picked up on their mixed scents, as had... well, everyone ese. Embarrassment flooded her eyes even more when she looked at Bass, and for the first time ever...

She might have realized how significant it was that he was Lark's father. AND her alpha. Well, fuck. She swallowed heavily. And, that's when her brain decided to stop working and her mouth started. "I, uh, I'm sorry, it's my fault Lark was late, we were - uhh - not paying attention and uhhhm, I'msorry," she babbled, though thankfully not loud enough for everyone to hear. Just mostly everyone.

Her eyes widening and her ears nearly flattening to her head, she hurriedly scuttled the few steps to slide to the ground beside Lark, her gaze stuck straight ahead as embarrassment and mortification roared through her. Oh gods, why had she done that? What was she thinking? Oh no... what had she done?

"Talk" "You" Think
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.