
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream



4 Years
02-11-2017, 01:10 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2017, 01:16 AM by Vianni.)
Corvus sat atop the crow's nest, watching Lucifer as the hulking male stared out at what would hopefully be theirs one day. He was entranced with the beast, Vianni was not a submissive wolf, the bird had watched her take down plenty of challenging males. Always they had fallen and filled their bellies with meat. This male was different, Vianni liked him, chose him to be her king over any other male. His mother had bowed to this wolf, and that was the most confusing aspect of this entire ordeal. Why him? Why this careless beast with no heart or soul? What did he have that the brimstone and fire male had not? Perhaps, it was the sheer challenge of showing him she could best him in every way. These thoughts were interrupted by dim crashes and clattering of metal against metal. Corvus watched the male change from contemplation to fury, and there was a flash of concern for Vianni.

Corvus spread his pale silver wings and flew down in time to catch Lucifer's command. An intruder? Well, if he hadn't made Vianni so weak, they would be having dinner right now and Corvus wouldn't have to listen to this...demon give him commands. Aww, caaaaw! He hissed right before he dived at Lucifer, swooping off at the last second to find whatever wolf had decided sneaking up on this delightful pair was a good idea.

She had expected the stranger to come in first, but it would seem he did not follow as closely as she would have guessed. Her giant scared her clear out of her skin, and she gave a mock charge to the edge of the bed, snapping her teeth together and trying to act as though her muscles would support her motions. They burned and snapped their own angry signals to her mind, but before it got to be too much, Vianni recognized her new mate. It was still so strange to be uttering that word, even in thought, but now she had to deal with him and a possible intruding male. The cannibal princess lowered her ears and sheathed her weapons, growling softly as she defended herself against Lucifer. "There are jutting pieces of fucking metal everywhere, Lucifer." She gave a snarky snarl when she said his name, "I bumped into one and a bunch of metal rocks came down on my back. The stranger was in the place I was sleeping, it has all those weird green things in the barrels."

Despite his less than worried appearance, Vianni decided that his rushing to her aide was start enough. There was a strange regret that there was such displeasure on his face, the male left her feeling unsure and vulnerable. She loved it, but the softened guard would do no good. She couldn't allow herself to get wrapped up in a male who couldn't appreciate her. She could have seduced the stranger into their bed, As the pots and pans fell, she could have stayed and looked bashful and meek with an embarrassed smile plastered on her face. Vianni felt spiteful and angry, her thoughts racing as new insanity made itself known. This was Lucifer's fault that she had to run to him. Dusky pink quartz meets the garnet of his gaze, unafraid and bold. "I know you don't give a shit, but I couldn't fight off a flea right now thanks to you. And before you go saying anything, I know, I challenged you, I deserve it. I came to you, rather than seducing my way to a meal. Praise and affection are in order, but first go make dinner...or friends." Her own vocals were peeved and snappy, but she was a queen and even her king would treat her with some form of respect.

Corvus spied the dark tail of a wolf and followed after it, trying to keep up through the twists and turns of dead air. The bird was tiring fast thanks to the extra work required to stay air born. Finally, they hit the cafeteria and the stranger seemed to slow his pace, trying to work out an escape route no doubt. He hoped he wasn't seen as he banked and double backed on his trail, moving to go back to Lucifer and Vianni. When he got to them, he would lead Lucifer back down to the cafeteria.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.