
[m]To earn your love

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-11-2017, 09:26 AM

He was having a much better day today, his mood more stable as a result, though one could easily piss him off if they tried. His day had started rather early, waking before the sun would rise. He had stretched and began his daily routine, first checking his vessel for signs of other's then moving onto remarking his border, before he moved onto hunting. His haul this morning was a mere seal pup but he decided it was enough. He had abruptly taken it back to Vianni, leaving it laid before her, and not taking a bite from it besides his dispatching blow. His form had left her to it then, expecting her to eat it, as he had left it within her reach easily enough she wouldn't even have to sit up. He had yet to do as his father had once done to him to her, aside from her initial beating. She had started that one though so as such the punishment was deserved. He still had no care for her truly, she was merely a means to gain a stronger blood line, a way to gain a true heir.

He fully intended to give her an attachment to him that she wouldn't be able to understand but would make her feel a continuous need to be near him and to please him. He just wasn't going to do it his father's way. he had left the seal with her after giving a short command to the bird he knew was likely to be spying on him. His order was that the food was only for Vianni and he wanted the bird to go hunt for itself. He knew it was capable of such, and he wanted the thing to become independent of Vianni, to no longer be the sole object of the bitch's attention. Besides the bird looked old enough to him that it should be leaving and finding something else to entertain its time. It was from Vianni's sleeping place that the behemoth left, sure she would eat and soon follow as she may have already learned the lesson once when they had an unexpected guest scare her.

His paws took him across snowdrifts at a casual pace, one that Vianni should be able to keep up with as well as catch up to him easily enough. His trek took him to the nearby area, red eyes set upon the cliffs before he moved into their entrance to the land beyond. What greeted him upon exiting the cliffs was a more green waterside. The tang of saltwater caught in his nasal cavities and he gave a shake of his pelt and massive head. As unpleasant as the scent was it made up for it with the promise of prey upon the same wind. He stopped for a mere moment before moving forward. His tongue darted out and ran over his ruby stained maw before disappearing again. The blood was from the earlier seal pup kill but he didn't much care to take the time to clean it. Perhaps if he left it there long enough it may begin to make Vianni feel a need to clean it in such a way that would perhaps begin her need for more from him. As a sensual beast he was more than happy to entertain the idea of getting to touch his mate more as the result of getting to clean her. Not like he already didn't sometimes like to force her to allow him to clean her existing wounds.""

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.