

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 01:55 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:



"Daddy". Gargoyle's head whirled back around at the sound of the word. She'd just called him daddy. He'd heard that right? The usually stoney wolf suddenly found his yellow eyes widening. His ears flattened slightly - not backwards, but sideways. Did he... had he just been adopted? He blinked. First thing that ran through his mind? I wonder what Ocena will say...

But a second later his features had returned to normal. The moment seemed to pass, at least for the girl anyway, she was already talking on, answering him about what had happened. And those words brought out another, much more grim change in the Chief's outlook.

Big, scary, white wolf? Unfortunately, Gargoyle knew exactly who the yearling meant. It was that assassian or messanger or whatever the heck he was besides physco. He was Awaken's brother. He'd known the rookie (as Gargoyle still mentally named him) during his forgotten childhood. Back when he was a Prince and a kingslayer - this was, if the word of such a cretan could be taken for fact.

At the time Gargoyle had dismissed it. Even if it was true, Awaken had no memory of that previous life, and Gargoyle himself was proof that wolves could change dramatically, especially if given a family to help them. Gargoyle hadn't worried then. But if Sixx had come... and then left and niether he nor Awaken had been hurt ...then what in the world was going on? Gargoyle didn't like to have suspicious thoughts about any of his packmates, but this pushed believeability. No judgements though. No thoughts. He needed to get down there and figure out what was going on.

Mother Nature seemed to be against him though... The male looked to the mouth of the cave. Sheets of snow were coming down. And ice crystals now too. That meant cutting power in the winds. Gargoyle's yellow eyes narrowed. Whatever. Mother Nature could go suck eggs. He was gonna find his packmates.

"Ithurial, you remain here," he lowered his head so that he was closer to her eye level. She wandered off once already, he didn't want her to do it again. He glanced over her shoulder. "Crusade's over there in her nest of pine needles, why don't you go over and hunker down with her and the pups?" He started to raise his head, hesitated, and then let the tip of his pink tongue lap out - planting a little wolf kiss on the girl's head. "Stay safe, alright?"

And with that he was gone - disappearing into the white almost as soon as he set paw out of the cave.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done