


06-24-2013, 01:59 PM

The King's chin descended toward his chest as he gazed at the boy. His antics (particularly the bow and puffed chest) reminded him so much of Maverick in his youth. "Good to see you as well," came fond notes. He did enjoy the company of the wise Glaciem woman. The boy caught his attention then. He'd introduced himself as Cross, a Glaciem Brave. Amethyst eyes widened in amusement. "A Brave, eh? Glaciem must be so proud to have a defender like you in their ranks." He knew he was stroking the boy's ego, but the King could hardly resist the smile of a child or the excited gleam in his mother's eye. So, Crusade was this boy's dam, how marvelous!

"This is certainly a surprise! I am glad you brought him." Cross seemed interested in his companion, so with a low bark he summoned the eagle to him. Robin alighted at once and descended to the earth just in front of Gerhardt's front paws. The bird clicked her beak once. "Cross, this is my friend Robin. She is a bald eagle." He waited then for the reaction to her name. It was quite unique to hear an Eagle called Robin. Hello Cross. Gerhardt turned his attention back to Crusade who was crossing the border. He welcomed them with a smile, shifting to come alongside Crusade whilst the bird moved closer to the boy. "I do not mind at all, it is always a pleasure to have guests."

He allowed his leisurely stride to lapse onto a familiar path which would carry them to the meadow. He intended to show the boy the wonderous cattle that lurked in the Seracian landscape and see if he could top Maverick's expression when he had told them all of the polar bears in Glaciem. "I know you have come a long way, I won't take you to the far reaches of our land - only just around this treeline." The bird took to the skies, flying an affectionate three feet above the boy. "I think she has taken a liking to you, Cross." With a smile and a flick of his tail he turned his gaze back to Crusade, voice coming out as a gentle whisper so Cross would not overhear. "What do you suppose he will think of the cows?" He gave a chuckle and a wink.


Robin speech