
The Abraxas Brood



3 Years
Extra large
02-12-2017, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2017, 06:43 AM by Ræsa.)

Legend tells of an ancient battle...

There was once one god who stood above all others. He was of a keener mind and surer ambition than his kin, and thus ruled them, as was fitting. Over the eons, a seed of discontent began to grow. Before long war broke out between them, and thus across all planes of existence. Gods waged against gods, mortals against mortals, earth against sky and sea against storm. The small gods gathered their power, attacking as one, as was their only hope to defeat their adversary. He was cast down to the earth and much diminished in the mortal plane. His godly powers were weakened, his dominion destroyed, and a seed of rage planted in his heart. This chaos bred the discontent of the world. Illness, sorrow, pain, and death came forth and have plagued mortals ever since. His descendants called themselves fallen angels, but to others they became known as demons; purposed with spreading the rightful rage of the Fallen God, given the task of restoring their lineage to it's deific birthright.

Brief Family history: Amon was raised in the same hateful light, filled with spite and rage from birth. His father told legend upon legend of their godly origin and the importance of their lineage, the magnificence of their name. His earliest memory is of their father killing two of his siblings in their puphood for being 'unfit' to carry the Abraxas name. As soon as Amon came of age, he was ordered away to sire a brood of his own, to ensure their line remained healthy and strong until such a time as they were able to find their way back to the godly realms. He found and conquered a healthy female and kept her close until his pups were born, carefully overseeing their training and exposure to the world.

Every night they would fall asleep to tales of their family's great deeds, and all they were entitled to. Every morning they would wake up and train both their bodies and their minds alike. Despite his best efforts, Amon had been unable to curb the love his children had for their mother, and feared their weakness. Once they had weened from her, Amon found that he no longer had any use for the woman, so she was quietly disposed of. The family began to wander, seeking a land they could seize as their own...

Assumptions/Other: It is safe to assume that while Amon is known to be harsh and manipulative, he does indeed love his children. The line blurs between what is truly in their best interest vs. what is in his, but that's not something he would give much thought to. He would have impressed heavily upon them that they are superior to others, that they are special, promising that upon their death they would return to the heavenly realms where they belong.

Their mother was killed when the pups were about six months old, but Amon disposed of her quietly. He told his children that she had left for their own good, so that her mortal presence would not weaken them. Since then, the family has made slow but careful progress through the lands, always sticking close to one another, always in training. Amon can be cold and cruel when displeased. It is safe to assume that the pups have a healthy dose of fear of their father, having been raised to think he was practically a god himself. Special attention will have been paid to strength, cunning, and ferocity.

In Amon's perfect world, these pups would grow into brutal (yet obedient) war machines. Whether or not this happens is up to the players of course, but expect him to try to mold them in his image. He dreams of himself and his children conquering all the land in the name of the Fallen God, and establishing their reign in the mortal realm. He will attempt to control them with an iron fist; crushing disobedience and lavishing praise upon those who please him. He will have no problem pitting the children against one another should weakness rise in their ranks. He eagerly awaits the day they come of breeding age, and can begin having children of their own, just as he was expected to. The continuation of their line is the most important, above all. Pride in their bloodlines and lust for what was stolen from them is all these pups will have ever known. Now, they are a year old and nearly ready to stretch their wings...

Amon's Brood are 1 Year old, season of birth is Winter!
Other relatives may be of any age, design, etc. (:


Amon's Design

NAME SUGGESTIONS: Abaddon, Agares, Alastor, Andras, Anzu, Astaroth, Bael, Belial, Berith, Daevas, Dantalion, Deumus, Eurynome, Gremory, Lamia, Leraje, Lilith, Malphas, Marax, Marchosaias, Melchom, Naberius, Oriax, Phenex, Pretas, Rahovart, Raum, Ronove, Sallos, Seere, Shax, Sitri, Stolas, Uvall, Vassago, Xaphan, Zagan

(These are pulled from a list of demonic names, but feel free to get creative and come up with something totally different!)

RULES & EXPECTATIONS: Nothing too crazy! I'd like to see at least a post a week with these guys. If they fall inactive, I will reclaim them. If you just need a break and you want to pick things back up in the future, just get ahold of me and we can work something out! I know muse comes and goes. Furthermore, Amon would not look kindly on certain things, i.e. recklessly siring/birthing pups and not caring for them, cannibalism, attacking within the family, etc. You have been warned!

***Strong preference will be given to players that I have not recently/never adopted out to!! I would really like to get to know some of our newer members, and get a chance to thread more regularly with folk I don't often cross paths with!***

ADDITIONAL FAMILY: For those looking to get in on this plotty goodness but don't want to apply for a pup, feel free to create brothers/sisters of Amon, or nieces and nephews, as it will have been expected that his siblings breed as quickly as possible as well. I'm open to ideas! Feel free to skype or message me with questions/ideas/plots/or D: All of the above.

<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words
<b>Plans:</b> Just a quick bit about what you'd like to see this character grow into and/or accomplish. Where is their path headed?
<b>RP Sample:</b> At least two paragraphs