
Small But Mighty



8 Years
02-12-2017, 05:39 PM
Open spar with the small but mighty Solveiga! Bring it on!

Solveiga still wasn't quite sure what she was doing here. The earth was hard and unforgiving beneath her tender paws, and here and there she smelled the tang of dried blood. This place would have terrified the old Solveiga. That cowardly little girl would have spun on her tail and run for safety. But not anymore. Solveiga was a whole new woman now, and she was dedicated to making herself tougher and stronger. She'd been doing a lot of extra running lately, and had been eating more to try and put a little meat on her bones. She had changed a great deal, and most of that change had been emotional; a hardened shell now encased her once soft and frail heart. But to protect herself, she knew she needed more than just emotional and figurative armor. She needed a bit of claw and fang to go with it.

So, almost by their own free will, her paws had carried her here: the battlefield. If she was going to learn how to protect herself, she was going to have to learn through experience. Her heart thrummed like the wings of a hummingbird in her chest, and her pupils were dilated with what had to be adrenaline. Maybe adrenaline was the only thing keeping her here. But she was sure as hell going to go with it.

Once the small female had walked a fair distance into the lands of the battlefield, she planted her feet and took a deep breath. And then another. And then, when she felt ready, she held her head high and sent up an invitation to spar. Some strange thrill ran through her veins. She was proud of herself for her bravery. It felt good to embrace this new side of her, and open herself up to new experiences.

She just hoped her sparring partner wouldn't end up being too big.

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