
The Abraxas Brood



6 Years
02-12-2017, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 02:52 AM by Poser.)

Name: Lilith
Gender: female
Design: five -- the smallest of her litter, but not small per se. Think 34" at the shoulder, medium build. Light enough to be light on her feet, distinctively feminine.

She came into this world screaming, covered in someone else's blood. She's not afraid to go out the same way. Though the smallest of the litter, some things are more important than size. Lilith was created from the same dirt as the first man, brought forth from the earth in the same manner, and will not be subservient. Not to anyone. Fickle beings, weak beings, she'll bring them all to their knees. Nothing can hurt the loyalty of a woman on a mission. Her mission? The safety of her family, the purity of the gods.

A creature born of the blood moon, she will live and die by it. There is no fear in her, and that creates a dangerous creature. Though she doesn't have the build of a fighter, she's smart enough to use that to her advantage. She will be a skilled healer, and that's her double edged sword. That which can heal, can poison. An angel of death, of mercy, and of something darker. She's smart. She's so incredibly smart, and she's incredibly good at not getting caught.

Protective of her own, Lilith isn't afraid to hang anyone else out to dry. Blood is thicker than water. The blood in her veins has made her who she is today, and she's proud of it. So damn proud of it. A true force of nature and a hardcore feminist. There's nothing that will stand in the way of her wit, cunning, and perseverance.

Plans: I'm actually really excited because she's going to be the loose canon chaotic neutral, but too smart for her own good. She'll tout herself as the smartest of her siblings. All she wants is to be her father's shining light, but she will be the one to challenger his control. She may start to see through his plans, but that's up to plots. She's not a blind follower of the way, and will play into the neutrality at its finest. It doesn't matter who stands in her way, the competitive nature... well, that will win out in the end. Skills will be healing and intellect.

RP Sample:
Get smart and nothing can touch you. Lilith lives by that, breathes by that. She's smart. Bright eyes, her father's eyes, peering out into the great unknown. A new land, a strange land, and she needs to take the reins. Out from under the heavy handed rule of her father, away from the gaze of her siblings... family above all, but there's something nearly uncomfortable about being watched all the time. Like they're waiting for you to slip up, like they're waiting for a mistake. A false move. She couldn't blame them-- it's what she looked for in them as well. Lili is smarter than that. She's smarter than all of them, as that's been proven.

The blood born creature moves with a grace that's unmatched. Her steps are high, gait easy. Terrain unstable beneath her feat, but she's nearly catlike in the way she crosses. No one would be able to find her here, no one would be able to catch her. Get smart. Get smart. The words echo in her head, and she's untouchable. Lilith is looking for plants, but she's also searching for something else. A vantage point. Somewhere far above everyone else where she can set herself and watch. Watching, you see, is the easiest way to learn. Watching and doing. Get smart, get ahead.

Around her the dusk falls, a comfort to the child with the bloody shoulders. Soon her moon will be out, shining down around them all. She's comfortable. Always comfortable. She traces the ground as she moves, learning the place, committing it to memory. Nothing could touch her.

follow no false light