



06-24-2013, 02:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Mercianne stood back as Awaken worked on setting the long, tendril-like branches of the tree into place. It was curious the way he weaved the branches, drawing them together in such a way to keep the snows and winds out so much better than if they had just let them fall behind them as they passed inside. And as he worked, she could see that his method was sound. The woven branches that he had already tended to rattled slightly against the brunt of the bad weather, but protected the pair within from a majority of the flurries and icy blasts. She was glad he knew to do this. It would make their wait that much more tolerable since the chances of them being able to make it back to the pack's den were slim to none.

As he turned away from the branches, all nice and bound together behind him, and mentioned the young wolf who had led her to him, Mercianne's ears fell flat to her head, a sudden look of worry stealing across her face. Ithurial! She had been so worried thinking Awaken might have been attacked by Sixx again that she hadn't given the poor, frantic little thing a second thought, and now that she knew the pup was still out there in this horrid weather, possibly alone if she hadn't quite made it back to camp yet, guilt ate at Merci's stomach. "Oh," she murmured nervously, her head lowering as the weight of the pup's fate felt as if it was settling upon her shoulders, "I hope she made it."

Her thoughts still reeled thinking that something might happen to the pup outside in the storm when she heard Awaken suggested a game, some twenty questions to pass the time. Though part of her almost wished to dive right out into the storm and look for the pup, to properly thank her for leading her here, Merci knew it was a fool's errand. More than likely she would end up lost out there in the white out as well, just another to be claimed by the weather. She would have to content herself with waiting, and distracting herself with a game seemed as good a way as any to do that. "Sure," she answered with a little nod of her head as she came to sit near Awaken, her expression still worried as she glanced downward at the base of the tree even though she listened to whatever question Awaken might wish to start with.