
The Abraxas Brood



7 Years

02-12-2017, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 07:10 PM by Lillianna.)
Name: Astaroth
Gender: Female
Design: #3, the russet one except with one orange eye as well.
Personality: She is a goddess. It's so obvious to her, she isn't quite certain how it's not clearly obvious to the wolves around her. She listened avidly to any stories that were passed on, and she has absolute true conviction of the greatness of the Abraxos name - and of her own greatness. She is the child of the Fallen God - and she is inherently great as well.

She is confident in herself and her family; unlike others, she does not fake any of her greatness. She believes herself fully and confidently a goddess in her own right. Unlike the others, she doesn't constantly try to please her father, she believes that her actions and strength is pleasing enough without having to go out of the way to kiss her father's ass. She views the desire or need to act extra to be impressive as weakness; you should be that impressive and strong without doing anything extra to show it.

Perhaps that makes her cocky, but while in battle, she tries her best not to underestimate her foes. While she may be strong, powerful, and larger than most, if she were to believe herself invincible, then she would simply be foolish and weak. She is better than all those around her, yes, and born that way, but that doesn't mean that she can't be tricked into losing. Were she not wary, then she would grow lax and not be vigilant, and therefore be as weak as her mortal-born mother.

Despite her clear superiority, she does dearly love her family. From her father, to her brothers, to her sisters - even her mortal mother she loved, and loved even ore that her mother acknowledged her own weakness and left. She admires the strength in that action - to face one's weakness and to do the right thing regarding it. For her, of course, it would be to defeat that weakness, but one cannot defeat the weakness of one's mortal birth.

One other thing that this girl lacks is fear - especially of her father. She is a goddess, after all, and why should she fear her counterpart? She does, however, respect him, and will willingly follow all orders, rules and teachings out of that respect - and never out of fear. It is her belief that one should never act out of fear, but rather calculation and thinking... and respect.

note: she also sees competition as weak, because there should be no need for competition. She already knows she's the greatest; she doesn't need to compete to prove herself. Her very actions and existence prove it time and time again, and thus, being the 'first' doesn't matter to her - simply being the best does, and she does that with ease.

Plans: She is going to be the greatest. She is daddy's little girl; she is his perfect child who wholeheartedly believes everything he says. She will be the cruelest, most cunning and most ferocious out of them all; at the same time, she will be fiercely loyal and protective of all family. She will also have a cobra companion, who will be dear to her. Equatorial Spitting Cobra -- 1.25 meters (approx. 49 inches or so) -- male

RP Sample: Whoever thought that not-so-little Astaroth would find it in her black heart to love something did not have the name 'Abraxos'? Not herself, certainly... and yet she found herself in absolute adoration of this rather exceptionally intelligent snake - the snake that almost literally terrified the piss out of her only hours before. And yet, somehow... somehow she understood the warnings that it was giving, understood the grumbles that it muttered. And it understood her, much to her absolute delight.

It was that curiosity that made the snake follow her, and hold conversation; telling the creature all about her legacy and the strength of her family captivated it. Though, it was inaccurate, since she knew it was a he and he had a name... of Quetzalcoatl. And the fact that a creature so powerful, so large and strong was interested in being a companion to her... even if it was just for a short amount of time, to occupy him until he got bored. But she knew; a wolf family that understood him, and piqued his curiosity was no simple matter, and Astaroth was strutting around like the goddess she was...

Straight to her father. A wicked grin parted her jaws even Quetzal slithered from his spot on her lower back and legs to perch around her neck. He was draped loosely, holding his head up near her face while his lower half coiled around her leg. She chuckled low, marvelling at how close she was to a creature that could kill or blind her; he had told her that had she not made him curious, he would have simply spit his venom into her eyes and made her blind.

He was so powerful, and she loved it. "Father!" she roared out, a delighted cackle leaving her mouth. Oh, just wait until her siblings saw this - they'd be jealous, and she knew it; she already knew her father would be approving. Everything was just going absolutely fantastic for the goddess.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.