
The Abraxas Brood


02-13-2017, 10:08 AM
“Cause what I want, And what I need,
Has now become the same thing you’ve been offering.”

Name: Rahovart Abraxas
Gender: Male
Design: #2 :: 45" {Third Born? I don't really mind. xD}


The princling, the fallen-angel is but one of five, and one of the great! While not considering himself necessarily the greatest {for that sole position is reserved for his father} Rahovart certainly thinks of himself highly. He knows he’s better than the commoners who walk this earth, these mortals who who falsely believe in their power. Raho is an arrogant little prick, prone to being cocky and bearing a tongue that is blunt and smart. He is not afraid to cut others with his words. He cares little for the feelings of others, and sometimes that may even seem to be the case for his siblings as well.

Make no mistake, however, in the fact that Rahovart does care for his family. He would not betray them, though he is not against doing what he must to follow out his father’s orders; even attacking another sibling. His whole existence is built around not only self improvement, but serving his father and the cause of their family. Nothing is more important than this goal, and it can definitely be said that Raho respects the older man. There is a healthy dose of fear in that respect as well, as one who knows when he is before a better. But when it comes to his siblings he secretly plots on how to become stronger than each of them, working for the best place in his father’s eyes.

In battle Raho is cold and ruthless; he acts, he doesn’t care about consequences. Scars do not bother him, and he shoots to leave a mark on his opponent that won’t leave them forgetting about him. He can be possessive as well, for when Rahovart sees something he deems that he desires then he will fight to claim it. He is protective over what he has claimed, and though he might seem cold and controlling, there is a slightly softer side to the male as well. This could be the ‘weakness’ that Amon feared that their mother would put into the children.

While Rahovart strives for perfection in himself and his children he’ll have a caring side for those that he claims and the children he sires. They are his, and they will not be touched by anyone else. He might be seen sharing a tender moment with a lover or slave, a kiss on the cheek, but ask him about it and he’d be just as ready to rip a hole in your face. It is very likely Raho will be a nurturing father and a man who will not cull his own, even if they are deemed weak. Instead he will work to beat that weakness out of them.


-Raise Fighting Rank via Ardent’s system
-Follow his family to greatness
-Maybe claim / sub-claim a pack
-Cause trouble >D

RP Sample:

Wind whistled in his ears as the young man stood upon the hill overlooking his target. A traitor to his family…

The family who were fallen angels… and one day they would rightfully take their place among the stars. An ear flicked back as Rahovart examined the situation at paw. If he moved swiftly he might be able to take the traitor out before they were any the wiser of his presence…

Ah but that wasn’t very nice, now was it? He should at least let the enemy know that they were going to meet their doom, no? He grinned, a wicked grin appearing on his features as the youth tilted his head back and let out a bone chilling howl.

One of the Fallen was on the hunt, to bring about the justice his family DESERVED.

It mattered little to Rahovart if this mortal was a woman or not, nor the fact she was pregnant. She had tainted them… breeding with an outsider after breeding with one of his kin. The very thought made the man’s blood boil… and he had volunteered for the task of righting the wrong done to his brother. For his loyalty ran deep... and his father’s orders, once given, were absolute.

The brute bared his fangs, gaze narrowing as he set off down the hillside. He’d make this quick… and then he’d report back to his father.

“As days go by…
I've finally become what you want me to be.”