
Estranged Lupa


06-24-2013, 03:24 PM
The past few weeks or so had been exhausting, the ivory stranger had managed to keep herself well fed scavenging just about anything she could whatever the danger. But luckily for her no harm came with it. Navigating west a sudden urge came upon her, not romance, nor hunger, it was thirst, thirst for companionship. She had been wandering alone for several weeks meaning her social skills lapsed, and now she wanted someone to talk to. Someone she could trust, who would be there for her whatever the case. A friend. Watchful eyes briefly looked over the area in which had driven her to this very place, there was no sign of intrusion nor was there a soul in sight, but Esmerelda was not stopping here, there was much more of the forest waiting for her to explore.

Yet it came to her. There was no way she would briefly meet or encounter another wolf if she were to carry on being so quiet. Now was the time to announce her arrival, She thought it over a few times and then; Cast her gaze upwards towards the winter skies before gaping her maw she emitted a long, melodic song. Surely someone would have heard her calling, now all she had to do was wait, wait and hope that someone would answer her.