
[m]To earn your love

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-13-2017, 03:15 PM

She called Corvus and he came just as quickly as he could. His obedience would earn him the slightest of respects from the demon. His look to Lucifer earned him a roll of his eyes. His voice rumbled forth with his minor annoyance at the bird's silent questioning of him. Honestly if he didn't want it then he shouldn't of come."Just take the food your given bird, you let Vi eat so now it's your turn." His breaths came out as shallow pants, not willing to show the effort it just took to fight the adult seal. His red eyes moved to Vianni as he gave her a silent command to come to him. His tail flicked and he looked her over, noting the now dampened fur on her leg. His eyes narrowed upon it and he stood, turning to face her. There was only two possibilities for such a thing, either he licked her, which he most certainly had not licked her there, or she had bitten herself if the laying of her fur was any indication.

He was extremely observant of such things. Should she come to him as she was told he would immediately lower his maw to her ear. A low deadly grow would be released with his eyes not breaking from the spot, a mere warning of what could come. His voice was released, low, deadly, and spine chilling if you weren't used to his threats and spiking anger levels. "Lay another fang on yourself and I will be showing you how a real bite feels, only I am to ever lay such things upon you." The warning was said so Corvus wouldn't overhear. Hopefully it would place enough fear inside her that She would never do such things again. He wouldn't have it. His teeth aimed to nibble on the tip of her ear before hopefully taking her off guard. His teeth aimed for a gently yet firm hold upon her ear, his rear end slid around expecting obedience. His paws moved to bring her by her ear to the larger seal carcass, not caring if Corvus was on his or not. It was large enough for them both and he intended for her to eat now. Only once he reached the corpse did he release her. His fangs then turned on the seal, ripping it open like his fangs were carving tools. The blood stained his face as he ripped at its intestines only to yank them free until they lay before Vianni, his jaws releasing them and allowing them to hit the ground with a plopping sound. The devil would no take no for an answer. Only once she began to eat would he rip into the fat rich flesh. Every sound coming from him as blood hit his tongue was demonic and aggressive. Bones snapped in his jaws as he devoured the seal, with Vianni's help of course, or at least he figured she was still helping. His eyes narrowed in his maddened state and he snarled intensely.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.