
The Abraxas Brood



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
02-13-2017, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 05:18 PM by Tealah.)
Name: Seth
Gender: Male

36" in height but slim and elegant like his mortal parent rather than large and strong like the demonic line.
There does not appear to be anything immediately odd about Seth. He is pleasant, courteous, even charismatic and charming. He treats everyone with an earnest sort of old-fashioned manners, a certain gallantry. He shows sympathy, and empathy, giving a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear for a needed rant. He serves his cousins and uncle with a dignity and agreeable demeanor. But his charm is all superficial, for beneath the surface of this charismatic exterior lies something far darker and more dangerous.

Seth is afflicted - or perhaps blessed with - what is known as antisocial personality disorder, what some would term as a sociopath. Like all sociopaths, he is chiefly defined by his complete lack of regard for others. Oh, he may be pleasant to them, even helpful, but everything he does is entirely self-serving and intended only to manipulate. He is incredibly intelligent, in many ways even showing a great deal of intuitive insight into others' personalities and problems - observation and intellect allowing him to make incredible leaps of intuition, though just as in all things for Seth, it is difficult to tell where the truth ends and manipulation begins. Oh, he will help, but interspersed among the truths are lies, half-truths, misdirections. He is utterly without conscience, and so feels no hesitation or remorse when it comes to causing harm to others or flouting the law. He is deeply narcissistic, a fault that while well-earned in many respects is also his downfall, for it encourages a certain arrogance and recklessness in his deeds, encourages him to skirt a bit close to discovery. It is only his intelligence and his meticulous nature that allows this highly-organized killer to continue to walk that line between amusement and discovery.

Why would such an intelligent, functional young creature turn to manipulation and lies, to murder? There is a certain thrill he gets from having the power of life and death over his victims, of having the power to control and change those he manipulates, and there is a great deal of macabre amusement that he gains from never being the one anyone would suspect of such things. He insinuates himself close to the grieving, offering his assistance to those who would investigate his crimes, to lengthen his enjoyment of the process. Or to the dangerously insane, to manipulate and toy with them, to see just how far he can push them.

Despite his own proclivities and his own fascination with those like himself, he evinces disgust for those who cross certain lines. He is capable of interest in and respect for a select few others, and for them to be crossed is deeply offensive... and of great interest to him, as he avidly watches to see how they react to such adversity. Even here he continues his manipulations, curiosity pulling him to see just how far he can twist both those who have earned his respect, and those who are, like him, killers or potential killers.

Plans: For a nephew of Amon, maybe from a smaller sister who died trying to give birth to a dire wolf XD I plan for him to be there to be something of a chew toy slash minion for Amon's kids since he's a little too small, a little too weak, and seeming to be overall a lesser imp compared to Amon's more outgoing and... large demon pups, but despite his pretend submissiveness he constantly plays at attempting to manipulate them, like windup toys where he just winds them up and lets them go to see what happens.
RP Sample: Seth watched with a polite interest as his cousins sparred. Even as a pup sitting on the sidelines with his tail tucked about his slender paws, he cut an elegant, though hardly intimidating, figure, particular in comparison to the largest of his cousins. Even at the tender age of three months the smallest among them made his form appear willowy, and despite the strength in his wiry muscles he would never approach theirs, making his spars with them somewhat... challenging. Still, he calmly waited. Waited for the moment, undoubtedly soon, when his uncle would call for him. Sometimes it was to patch up a damaged cousin, others it was to be the punching bag if an example needed to be made of a technique that was not being performed correctly. Occasionally it was to employ the little birch-bark bucket of water that waited beside him, either to dump over a woozy combatant to bring them back to awareness when things went a little far, or to provide a mouthful of water to cut someone's thirst before they returned to it.

He didn't resent the treatment, not really - he allowed it, thrived on it, knowing that it would only make him into something better. Something cunning, something canny, something greater than the brute demonic strength of his uncle's children. His clever green eyes shifted from the spar to his uncle's dark form. Something greater - assuming his uncle didn't judge him to be too far inferior and remove him from the earth altogether. It was a possibility that always lurked at the edges of his mind, the faint prick of fear/not-fear that was more an acknowledgement of his uncle's power over his life, that any day could be his last if he did not hold to the exacting standards demanded of the descendants of the fallen god, if he did not in some way prove worthy of his continued existence. He let his gaze slide back to the battle casually before it could attract Amon's notice.