
We can make it together



3 Years
Extra large
02-13-2017, 04:28 PM

Rather than sleep and eat like his brother, Miach had found something far more entertaining to do. He'd managed to find a leaf after he'd woken up and had spent the last ten minutes pouncing on it. The boy would wiggle his rump in the air as he bowed, some times falling over on his clumsy puppy legs, and yapping at the thing before leaping on it as if it were some prey animal and he was going in for the kill. He did this until he felt a little worn out and lazy before flopping to the ground and chewing on it. The leaf was dead, rather dry, and very crinkly and it wasn't long before it was crunched into bits by his tiny milk teeth. The debris stuck to his tongue and the roof of his mouth and it wasn't long before the boy was pawing at his tongue and spitting furiously to get the horrible chunks out. Yuck!

By the time he'd spat the rest of the leaf out his mother had already posed the question of going outside. The tiny little dead plant forgotten, Miach bounded to his paws eagerly. Outside! They were gonna go outside! Admittedly Miach had already thought about sneaking outside, but every time he'd thought about it his mother was always watching and he'd never been given a good opportunity before he got too hungry or tired. But now she was going to let them go! This was going to be the best day of his life!

Miach wasted no time in following after Zuriel. He barely gave Kane a glance as the boy tried to get up before flopping back down. He ignored Daelos too as she went over to nudge him. All he cared about was following his mom and that's exactly what he did. He zoomed outside (which really wasn't that fast at all) and instantly went past his mother only to trip over a stick. An angry puppy growl escaped him as he landed on his face, but he was more embarrassed than anything else. He rose to his paws and turned around to yap and the thing that had attacked him. He'd show it who was boss! He then lunged forward and snapped it in his jaws to chew on it furiously. It'd learn never to mess with him again! Death to the stick!

Walk, "Talk" Think