
Four Words To Choke Upon



5 Years
02-13-2017, 06:28 PM

Kharnage let to strange pair lead the way and he couldn't help the look of amusement that flashed across his features as he listened to Goat grumble the entire way. His own nails clicked heavily against the metal surface and his head swung back and forth as he paused every once in a while to peer into certain corners and crevices. There were odd square boxes and round barrels lying around and not to mention a fine layer of dust covering everything. He happened to sniff a particularly dusty spot before pulling his head back and letting out a loud sneeze. Not finding anything worthwhile he moved on behind the bell-clad woman and her new pet.

He didn't poke his nose into anything else, his snout still irritated from the amount of dust, but he did stop when Jaelle did. He eyed the stoat as he continued walking forward before he peered at Jaelle to see what she was looking at. His eyes glanced over the array of boxes and other things and finally settled on the same thing that she'd noticed. A foul smelling barrel that instantly made his nose wrinkle. He watched as she pawed at it until the board came loose and then she moved over to let him see. Curiosity got the better of him and he peered into it and his nose wrinkled further at the smell. It was even worse now that it was completely exposed to the air.

He glanced towards Jaelle as she grinned at him and he gave her a cautious look as his eyes squinted. He certainly recognized that look. It was the look of "I have an idea and you're not going to like it." Sure enough it was a crazy idea that he wasn't exactly fond of, but the fact that she challenged him with a dare was like a trap to him. If he refused then she'd probably call him a coward and he'd rather be stupid than a scaredy-cat. So he shrugged his shoulders and stared at the strange green floating thing. "Alright, but if I get sick from it then you better find something to fix it and if I die have fun dealing with my family." Of course she didn't even know any of his family most likely, but he was sure Dragon would be upset if he died. Either way he'd accepted the dare, so he might as well get it over with. So he lowered his head into the barrel and snapped up the one she'd pointed to in his jaws. The taste was tangy and the scent was overly pungent in his nose. He could feel his eyes watering and so far Kharnage didn't like the taste. But a dare was a dare so he crunched the thing between his teeth until it was small enough to swallow before he let the pieces slide down his throat in one large gulp. His face soured as the aftertaste took hold and he shook his head once to get the feeling to go away.

"That was absolutely disgusting."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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