
Worth It



8 Years
02-13-2017, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 09:08 PM by Solveiga.)
I just wanna be by your side
The sound of an echoing laugh traveled down from above. Well, good, at least she was managing to entertain the other woman. She tried to squint up at the stranger to get a better idea of what she looked like, but alas the sun was too high in the sky and it blinded her whenever she tried to get a closer look. She'd just have to see for herself when she got up there. If she got up there.

The woman admitted that she had picked up more than a few thorns, and Solveiga smiled proudly at the fact that she'd been right. She really was starting to know this land like the back of her paw. "How kind of you," she shouted when the other female offered to keep her company during the climb. "I'll be up there as quickly as I can manage, just don't be offended if I occasionally stop replying to you. That probably means I'm trying to focus on not falling to my death." There she was again, with the sarcasm and dark humor. Had some old friends like Peregrine rubbed off on her?

Shaking off the thought, Solveiga gave her muscles a quick stretch and then set to work climbing higher. For once she was grateful to be so small. It meant she was agile, and had little weight to pull up and over all these jagged cliff faces. All things considered, she was already making pretty good progress. "So," Solveiga called breathlessly, squinting up at the stranger again. But it was no use; the sun was still blinding. "Come here often?" she asked, laughing at her own joke and then stopping to catch her breath again before continuing onward, her ears open to whatever response might come.