
A Casual Moonlit Stroll



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-13-2017, 09:39 PM

Waves lapped quietly at the shore. Amon had spent much of the day holed up to escape the unseasonable warmth. Summer was just around the corner, and it would seem that this part of the world had no intention of lingering in spring. The day had plagued him with continuous, brutal sunlight. He simmered, blue eyes narrowed as he went. His progeny were fine on their own, he knew that. He'd been leaving them to their own devices for moons now, but that didn't meant they were far from his mind.

Thunder rolled in the distance, lighting striking down from a thick blanket of clouds rolling in from the sea. A wall of cumulous clouds stretched high into the sky, dark and angry and charging towards the shore like a stampede of wild thing, roiling as it went. Fueled by this fucking heatwave, I'm sure, he thought to himself. The titan had considered traveling through the night, arriving back with his children as the sun rose, but he did not fancy being caught in this storm. "Shit weather," he growled to himself.

He stopped in his trek and looked skyward. The full moon drifted between tufts of clouds, only occasionally visible but giving his keen eyes more than enough light to see by. He was more than capable of hunting in the low light, relishing yet another challenge to prove himself... even if he is the only one around. He lets out a long sigh, simply to release tension and focus himself. Earlier in the day he had stumbled a section of beach where the sand had worn away, leaving a series of ragged stone slabs and pools behind. They had been fruitless, but the tide was just now beginning to recede, and he was certain he would find a meal in their depths. He need only be persistent. There was no weariness in his limbs, dedicated to finding a bite to eat before the storm arrived. Another peal of thunder shook out in the distance, and he lengthened his stride.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!