
Bitter Travel

Erik I


2 Years
02-13-2017, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 01:00 PM by Erik I.)

Rose was snickering from Erik's way of walking. The brush of the vegetation below wasn't what he was used to and with the snow melted thankfully he didn't have to deal with pouncing in the puffs of white frozen water. He heard the owl on his shoulder snickering and gave a shake as she flapped her wings some and landed on the ground, having to beat her wings to keep up with the now prancing wolf. "come on, you look ridiculous walking like that."she hooted at him before flying up back on his shoulder once he slowed down for her to catch up. "these twigs are getting stuck and you know how annoying it is to get it out of my fur," he drawled at her lightly. She perched herself back in the nook of his shoulders, gripping his thick fur there with her small talons.

"and that's why you have me prancy paws."she retorted back with a snap of her beak towards his ear. Erik shook his head a little and rolled his eyes at her. "next time i make us a burrow i'll bury you in it."he grumbled at her at the nickname 'prancy paws' She simply rolled her eyes and stayed silent after that, letting Erik trek about in the large forest. She wasn't the type to fly and Erik learned that the hard way when he continued to ask her to fly up and see where they were only to have her finally snap at him that she was afraid of heights. For months he had teased her about it but it soon fell short when she found out that he was terrified of small rodents. She couldn't stop laughing as the memory came to her in that moment, causing him to turn his head to barely see the side of her wing. he raised a curious brow. Without words she simply shrugged her wings.

the trip was thus silent until Erik got tired and then sighed, waiting for Rose to pop off. As she did he sat on his haunches and gave a yawn. the previous night wasn't very relaxing and he had a slight twinge along his spine. he lifted his leg and scratched at his ear as Rose fluffed her feathers some. "I think i'm getting rusty..." he mused softly under his breath.

Rose’s Speech Talk Thoughts