
Remix to Ignition



5 Years
02-13-2017, 11:24 PM

Ankaios was oblivious to the woman's approach until it was too late. The sound of her approach was audible to him only after she was too close for him to ever dream of an escape. After he saw the hue of her fur her was glad for it. She emerged from the tall grass bathed in embers, coat similar in color to his own. Her ruddy hues were vibrant, though displaces with more black than his own. It took him a moment and a few blinks to realize that there was indeed a faint glow emanating from her pelt. His jaw worked wordlessly for a moment before Ankaios hastily stood and shook himself back to attention, spinning to face the woman head on. "H-hello," he stuttered. "Pardon my surprise, miss," he said, dipping into a courteous bow, though unable to peel his eyes away.

He had not fathomed of meeting another wolf as vibrant as he, apart from those who were native to his homeland. He peered at her surreptitiously, trying to force himself to place her face. He was positive she was a stranger, features unfamiliar to his line. "My name is Ankaios Aeris," he said at last, quietly wondering if the name might spark something in her. "Please forgive the weakness of my countenance, but it's not often I meet others like myself," he said in a tone somewhat more put together, if stiffly formal. Oh well, he thought. Better to be overly courteous than to offend. After all, proper etiquette and courtesies were among the first lessons he'd received as a child, and he still recalled them them to this day. If anyone ought to be on the receiving end, he allowed that it may as well be a specimen as impressive as this one.

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