
Nothin' But A Thang



2 Years
02-14-2017, 11:56 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2017, 11:58 AM by Kaecious.)

His presence startled the woman. She jumped, coat puffing out a tad. A wave of guilt rushed through Kaeci and his ears pressed backwards against his skull, tail swishing nervously. "I, ah- Sorry. I'm Kaecious. I didn't mean to startle you." She seemed taken aback, and he cleared his throat nervously, unsure what else to say. Thankfully she broke the tension, asking what herbs might be around. He wilted a bit. "Er, no, sorry." He didn't know much about the area at all, in fact. He... couldn't remember. He scrambled to recover, coughing to clear his throat. "But if you're looking for something I could help?" He was sure why the offer spilled out of his lips, but there was no taking it back now. Kaeci was just too eager to make up for his broken mind, why couldn't he remember these things like everyone else?

He forced the thought from his mind with a small shake of his head. Negativity would get him no where, right? He didn't know what this woman might be able to teach him but he didn't see why he shouldn't try. He looked down at his paws, frustrated that he didn't know what else to say. A glint of gold caught his eye. Distracted at once, Kaeci bent down to get a better look. He pawed away a larger rock that sat on top and gasped. The smaller stone below was a mix of dark gray stone and brilliant white quartz. Strung throughout it was a richer vein of gold than any he had seen so far. "These stones are beautiful," he commented, half-addressing her and half now thoroughly distracted from the idea of searching for herbs.

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