
A Casual Moonlit Stroll



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2017, 05:57 PM

The woman responded quickly to his greeting, showing her excitement while remaining casual. At least there was that. She glanced back at the storm, and remarked that she did not expect to see anyone out with the weather moving in. What does that make you then, he wondered to himself. Still, she was amicable and seemed more than a whit interested. He would do his best to charm her, of course. He was hardly fool enough to run off a fae in heat. "Nor am I," he said with the hint of a smile. "That's a beautiful name, Liviana. I am Amon." He offered nothing else, at least for the moment. A mile off shore lighting crashed from the sky to the sea, the thunder delayed a moment before crashing against their ears.

Inspiration struck and he hummed thoughtfully. "I had hoped to find a meal before retiring for the evening. It's looking more and more like that isn't going to happen. You wouldn't by chance know a warm, dry place to spend the night?" The invitation was thinly veiled, but he was curious to see what she would make of it. It was true that his best idea for a den was a ways off and facing into the wind as well. He would be more than happy to be led to an alternative, especially if he might have a second warm body to help him fill it. Perhaps this evening would not turn out so poorly after all. "Of course, if the lady hasn't eaten, I might still be able to find a last minute meal?" He raised a brow but otherwise kept his face mostly neutral, apart from the shadow of a sly smile. That, he could not help.

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!