
to neverless wonder



3 Years
02-14-2017, 07:07 PM

Gideon was impressed with this land. Who knew he could ever give up his precious Redbuds? Surely they were a glory to behold just then, but winter had not been kind to the man. Moving south had not been a choice so much as once again succumbing to his will to survive. The island had seemed to lurk not far off shore, and Gideon's choice to swim out to it had been driven by a need for solitude more than a sense of adventure. All the same, when he arrived battered and breathless on the other shore he found that solitude held somewhat less value to him. Lesson learned.

It took him a long moment to recover. He sat panting on the shore for a long moment, eyeing the lapping waves in a tranquil silence. From within the lush vegetation dozens of birds called out their warnings, alerting one another to his presence. He did what he could to ignore the clamor, closing his eyes and falling into the sound of the waves. The sun had practically dried him by the time the russet man stood. You could hardly blame him for being curious after exerting so much effort to get here, could you?

The sun was setting, and still he found himself exploring the shoreline. He had found crabs and driftwood, kelp and plenty of dead sea creatures as well. Gideon was nigh overcome by a childlike glee, so the reality of finding somewhere to sleep crashed down around him with more force than he was expecting. He groaned, and turned his gaze to the rapidly darkening tree line. Dusk would be almost impossible to navigate in that mess. His eyes focused ahead with purpose, keen for any sort of loamy soil or rock structure he might be able to shelter in for the night. What he found was a fae, who had apparently beat him to it.

Gideon stuttered to a stop, a peculiar look affixing to his face. He had hardly expected to find another wolf here, and he was frustrated to see she had laid claim to the only den site of merit he'd come across so far. He was half tempted to turn away and sneak off while she was distracted, but he could hardly afford to be antisocial now. Surely she had come from the other direction, she could at least tell him if he'd have any luck continuing on, right? "Hello!" he called out, tone uncertain and forcing volume into his voice that he wasn't normally comfortable with. You're in my spot, he wanted to say, but held his tongue. "Is it worth my time to continue on if I'm looking for a place to stay the night?" He hoped the frustration wasn't evident in his voice, but it was all he could do to hold it at bay. He cursed himself for the umpteenth time, knowing he ought to have just remained on the mainland.

"Talk" "You" Think