
Tears to Roses



08-11-2013, 12:40 PM

There was a lot that the boy could have foreseen, though to so quickly be granted the view of Epiphron's womb swollen with children? That was certainly a surprise, though not necessarily a bad one. Collision had merely come to tell her that she had two more nieces to add to the fray, hopefully, the information wouldn't pose as an additive of stress. The family was a big, beautiful thing, constantly growing, and as it would seem, no family could grow like the Adravendi could. Perhaps, such a plethora of children had made some of them seperate from the crowd, but all in all, it only made things more interesting, "I've missed you too, Epiphron," he offered in return. Nose touched her shoulder as he lovingly nuzzled the side of her neck before he pulled back from her to observe further.

"With the departure of an Adravendi, comes the life of new," of course he was implying that the passing of their father only made the way for something more to come, something more impressive and beautiful. Collision adored the way the cycle worked, but Epiphron wasn't the only one baring witness, "You have two new nieces, sister," He eyed her carefully, what he had done was solely in the honor of their mother, and regardless of that, he still had to consider the fact that it was a heavy thing, "Solaine and Guinevere, two beautiful and healthy young ladies," he conveniently left out the fact that perhaps they were a bit much for Soleil to handle, regardless, the litter was the last the pair would have, Collision wasn't giving her any more children.