
Herald New Horizons



4 Years

02-15-2017, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2017, 12:57 AM by Peregrine.)

Acid dropped from the woman's tongue, her tone sour and unpleasant. It was clear that she didn't not want Peregrine around, but nothing convinced the earthen fae to so as much as that knowledge. Tsiry bristled as the woman directed her attention in the lemur's general direction, though neither Mara nor Peregrine intended to follow up on it. Instead the grey female would press on into a dry sort of banter, irritation obvious in her clipped words. "It seems some things in this life make an effort to be bothersome," she observed, and boy, was that ever the truth. Peregrine turned to Tsiry with a smile curling at the edge of her lips and a twinkle in her eye. "You hear that? She says some folk try to be bothersome. Have you ever heard of such a thing?" The lemur let her eyes slid closed in a slow blink, disinclined to ever open them again. Why her? Why had she been the one to get stuck with this insufferable creature?

Luckily, Pere didn't seem to be waiting for an answer. She turned back to the woman, who had boldly proclaimed that she wasn't worth hearing her name. Well la-dee-frickin-dah, lady, she thought to herself, barely retraining a roll of her eyes. Peregrine scoffed and recoiled, as if she'd been wounded. "But... Fair's fair! I told you mine, after all. Did your mother never teach you how to play nice with the other pups?" She tilted her head to the side, politely questioning, voice far too innocent to be genuine. There was a fiery glint in her eyes. Peregrine was having a grand old time pushing the stranger's buttons, still curious how many she could tinker with before the woman blew.

"Talk" "You" Think