
I could make you want me

Zephyr I


10 Years
02-15-2017, 09:46 AM
Things had been so easy for them, once upon a time. It was strange to feel that same sort of easiness in Caelum's company again, after being away from her for so long. They had moved along in life with few complications, up until that fateful day -- deemed quite easily the worst day of his life. Sure, they had their ups and downs, but they had always worked through things with such clarity. It was enjoyable to have a piece of that life back, if but for a short while.

The feeling of such freedom was quite welcomed. The cool wind rustling his fur, as they wove between trees that seemed to spring up haphazardly from the earth, over tangled roots and vegetation beneath their paws. He missed moving so freely, without care, thoughts of anything beyond the present moment slipping from his mind.

He was amused at her seriousness as they crouched at the peak of the hill. Truthfully, he wasn't sure there was really any monster.  He marveled at how she still took him by surprise, even after so many years. It was truly hard to tell if she was just teasing him, or if there was some kind of creature she wanted him to dispose of.. surely it wasn't as dire as she made it sound, but with her, he couldn't quite tell. His tail swatted gently at the earth as he squinted, looking into the distance. "Hmm," he murmured thoughtfully, eyeing her as she started to slink forward.

Only hesitating for a moment, he trailed after her, keeping a keen eye on what lay ahead of them. Once they reached the entrance of the cavern, pausing at her command. His ears perked, interest shining in his eyes as she invited him in. "Coming!" he called after her, his posture slackening considerably as he headed after her. Zephyr was a bit startled by Caelum's own surprise, and he took a step back instinctively. Not long after, he snorted loudly, loud laughter leaving his throat. "Don't tell me that you thought a couple hares were a terrifying monster," he chortled, grinning more widely now at her mistake. "I would have slain them for you, but it's bad practice to scare off your prey before going in for the kill. You didn't make it that easy for me."

Still, it seemed there was something else she wanted to show him. Still laughing softly from her mistake, he continued after her, curious as to what else she had in store. This place was considerably bigger than he'd expected it to be from the outside, and his interest grew as they moved deeper into the space. It was quite a lovely space, with light shining from above and spreading a gentle light over the earth. "It's nice," he agreed, able to recognize what she saw in this place, even if he wasn't necessarily the type to usually notice such things, but it was easier with Caelum's direction. "Have you been staying here?" This place smelled like her, and he couldn't help but wonder what she'd been up to in the brief time they had been apart now.