
Our Sick Story Thus Far



4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2017, 10:16 PM

As it turned out this place did have a nice assortment of interesting places for him to check out. So far he'd managed to find a few broken down bird's nests that had been knocked out of the trees, some old feathers, some barren dens, and even some pretty rocks. The only downside was that finding a suitable place for him to sleep for the night was going to be harder than he thought. It appeared as though not many animals had thought this place would be a good living space and he couldn't blame them. He'd managed to find a fox den, but he was considerably larger than a fox and he didn't want to put forth the effort to digging it out. Finding food later to make up for using that much energy on digging wasn't going to be worth it.

So he moved on.

Paws crunched through the snow as he moved with his head low to the ground. A few animals had managed to pass through here. He could smell a few rodents, some birds, and a badger. The badger would have been big enough for a meal if he didn't know better already. Fighting one of them to eat it wasn't worth the effort either. A small huff escaped him and scattered the loose snow in front of his maw as he walked. Without someone to accompany him this place was rather boring and so far it seemed as though he'd be sleeping with just pine trees as cover.

He continued walking for a while until the scent of a female was carried to him on the wind. His head raised curiously as he took a long whiff. It wasn't anyone he recognized, but he couldn't see the harm in seeing who else was around. So he padded off in her direction with a purposeful stride. He reached her in minutes and instantly he could see the pacing she'd done by the packed in snow. He glanced towards her curiously and paused some feet away to give her some space.

"You okay?" He asked. She appeared nervous to him, but then again he wasn't the best at reading wolves' emotions.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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