
Oh my oh my



3 Years
02-16-2017, 02:59 AM

To be frankly honest she was in awe of the man. He held himself at such.... high esteem. Despite from what she could tell he was the same age as her. Not to mention his tone of voice, it made her shiver though she tried to cover it up by shifting a bit. It was a shiver of sheer interest and delight. Heather had a lot of issue's she had avoided leaving pack lands for that reason. That and she had been so concentrated on gaining the role of Princess that now she thought it was important to broaden what she knew of others and even herself and how she reacted to them. The sheltered child was tired of being just that - but one thing she knew was she was dedicated to Fiori most of all.

Heather smiled towards Kharnage, "Well Kharnage that sounds very interesting. My father owns fiori, we haven't moved since I was born other than switching out a part of the territory for another. Quiet honestly I'm not so sure why I didn't leave pack lands until now. I guess I forgot studying also meant exploring - if I'm going to succeed my father I'm going to have to learn more about the world itself." she looked off for a moment. There wasn't anything wrong with confiding with a stranger was there. "Sorry, I must be boring you. What do you do in Talis? Are you a warrior?" there she went again. Back to her roots, she had a habit of asking a lot of questions. Though her heart pounded against her chest - worried that she was going to chase away the stranger.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.