
Nothin' But A Thang



5 Years
02-16-2017, 09:49 PM
But you'll never find the answers, until you set your old heart free

Lydia tried to find a place for her eyes to rest but she found she kept glancing at the man's feet until she finally got up the nerve to meet his eyes but it seemed he was just as flustered as she was. "Ah… no, don't worry about it. I uh, I should have been paying more attention." She really should have. Lydia's mother would have scolded her severely for being so unawares in a new territory but there was no helping it now and the man didn't seem to be much of a threat. He introduced himself as Kaecious and she responded. "Nice to meet you. I'm Lydia."

Kaecious had no knowledge of the herbs that grew in the area and Lydia just smiled softly in response. "That's okay, it was worth a shot." She'd just need to do the legwork herself which was the original plan anyway and it wasn't as if she was unused to the idea of doing everything on her own as she now had to be. However, the man surprised her by offering to help her in her searching. "Oh! That would be lovely, two can cover much more ground. I guess in particular I'm looking for dandelion but I'm sure I can find that. I was hoping to find boneset here but I just am not having luck. Are… are you a healer to?" She immediately wished she could take her words back. She wasn't nearly skilled enough to actually call herself a healer.

She nodded quickly at his mention of the stones. "They really are. Even if I don't find the herbs I'm looking for, I think it will be worth the journey to have seen this place."